Premium Service
• Passes and admissions
• Booking and delivery fees
15 euros per delivery
Optimum Service
• 1 Personal meeting at your arrival with itinerary draft with your prior selected tours.
• Passes and admissions.
• 1 Booking and delivery fees.
• 1 Consulting fee.
• 1 Welcome Paris passport.
70 euros for the first meeting and 50 euros for the following.
Platinium Service
• 2 Personal meeting at your stay.
• Passes and admissions.
• 1 Booking and delivery fees.
• 1 Consulting fee.
• 1 Welcome Paris passport.
• Restaurant and tours reservations during your stay.
• A special Gift.
• Personal assistance during your stay with emergency phone number available.
• Personal questionnaire to select the best tours for you.
150 euros for the first meeting and 50 euros for the following.